Friday, February 5, 2016

Blog #1

Hello, everyone! My name is Eric Ma, and this is my second semester at San Diego State. I am in my junior year in college, majoring in Marketing. I chose to major in Marketing because I think it can be an exciting career path, and it is a great match for my personality (love to work in teams, extremely detail-oriented).

I transferred to SDSU from Las Positas College in Livermore (Bay Area). I applied to nine colleges to transfer: Cal Poly Pomona and SLO, SDSU, Fullerton State, Monterey Bay State, Long Beach State, San Jose State, and Sonoma State. Cal Poly SLO was my number one choice by a landslide, however I got rejected. Having being accepted to every other college I have applied to, I eventually had a very difficult decision between SDSU, San Jose State, and Long Beach State. I chose to accept SDSU for its superior reputation, opportunity, amazing weather, and the change in scenery.

Once in a while, I enjoy a nice vacation to some foreign countries with my family. This past summer, my family and several family friends went on a Mediterranean cruise (Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Sadly I cannot post every single picture I've taken on the vacation, so I carefully selected three of my favorite pictures from my favorite destination: Italy. If I was to be asked what were my favorite things about Italy, It'd be the history, culture, weather, and most of all (and by far), the food. In my opinion, one does not experience true Italian food until he or she visits Italy. I've also traveled  to Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, France, China, and Japan. If I had to choose, I would definitely say that Japan was my favorite vacation getaway. In Japan, I got to experience the mineral bath, with steaming hot water provided by geysers. The people in Japan were also amazingly kind, as they would bow to visitors and customers and do everything in their power to make sure that the visitor is comfortable and satisfied. I am also obsessed with sushi and Japanese cuisine; this makes it even easier to make Japan my favorite vacation spot.

I love football (go Baltimore Ravens). I don't think my life would be complete without it. I own two Ravens jerseys: Terrell Suggs and Ray Lewis. If anyone is wondering, I am rooting for the Broncos this Super Bowl because I want Peyton Manning to retire with one more ring on his finger.

Back home, I have seven pets: one dog (German Shepherd), two cats (both tabbies), and four chickens. Yes, four chickens. Although dirty, chickens make amazing pets because they provide endless fun when you raise them as baby chicks, and start giving free eggs approximately six months later. If you do end up owning chickens, give them corn and they will go ballistic. My dog's name is Trip. I decided to name him Trip because one of the main characters from the movie "Glory" was fearless and loved to fight. Conveniently enough, my dog does not mingle well with other dogs and will never submit once challenged. Despite this, he is one of the most loyal companions a man could ask for.

I only have one sibling, who graduated from UC Irvine with a Bachelor's in astrophysics last year. He is now working as a software engineer for a startup financial firm in Irvine. As for myself, I am hoping to become employed in the marketing field with a good livable wage upon graduation (at the very least). I would love to become employed in the Bay Area, so I could be as close to my family as possible for both convenience and emergency purposes.

Thank you very much for reading. I am looking forward to a great semester with all of you!


  1. Hi Eric!

    This is also my second semester at state, I am also a junior transfer student. I admire you to applying to so many colleges. As a transfer, I only applied to SDSU because it was my one and only school I wanted to attend.

    I am also super jealous of your travels! I wish I could travel with my family during the summer to cool places. I think traveling makes you look at life in a completely different way. I am hoping to make it to Italy after I graduate from SDSU, so I am happy to hear that that was your favorite destination spot.
    I can relate to you wanting to be as close to family as possible after you graduate. I want either my parents and brother to eventually move down to SD or I will move closer to them.

    - Juliana Viola

  2. hey Eric!

    My name is Erik as well but with a K. That's awesome you chose SDSU over the other colleges, it's a great place and I hope you've enjoyed your time so far.

    Your travels sound awesome! I'm half Japanese but yet to travel there. You are very convincing in making me want to get over there. I'm sure the food is unbelievable. I'm excited to hear you loved Italy. This summer I'll be going to Barcelona but will definitely make my way to Italy, if you have any suggestions let me know!

    I think it's really cool you have chickens. Not your typical house pet but a functional one at that. I'm curious as to how their eggs compare to store bought ones.

    Regardless I'm excited for the upcoming semester and look forward to getting to know you.

    Erik Tamiyasu

  3. Hey Eric!
    I am Amber, and I love the fact that you travel because that is my favorite thing in the entire world. It is also my second semester here at SDSU and I love it. I am studying abroad to Italy this year and am so excited I have heard so many great things. Sadly, I have heard mixed reviews about their food. Some people say its amazing and others have said its not the same italian food that they know here. For example I guess their pizza doesn't have cheese only spices and sauce ? anyways great reading your blog.

    Amber Hanna
